
Sunday, June 12, 2011

technology/TED Talks

I have been a great fan of TED,but i want to bring to your notice is my recent viewings of some talks which impressed me a lot-
1) On sixth sense technology -by Pranav Mistry-for people interested in image processing,integration of real time systems with internet.
2)On integrating the electric cars with the present system-shai agassi-for entrepreneurs in renewable energy and developers in electric cars.
3)On working of brains by jeff hawkins-for people interested in artificial intelligence
4) engineers learn from evolution - Robert Ful -for robotics
5)on inventing the next amazing thing-by woods
This four videos are a must watch....

the thing interested me much that on inventing the next amazing thing-by woods because in this video tells people that how he invented 15 things without any college education.The fact that he invented that he created a noise cancelling machine amazed me a lot...

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