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Saturday, September 3, 2011

wolfram alpha search engine (source-

 " Wolfram(" is a computational search engine which gives statistical information on a query.My friend abhijeet had suggested this website.He was very impressed with the search engine, so i thought to give it a try.

I searched 'VNIT' in the engine,i was not impressed at the beginning for the simple fact that ,it portrays the information in detailed and precise form but i felt what's so great about that.

Then i browsed the website i saw that its not just a simple search engine which puts data in precise and detailed format.

Wolfram|Alpha introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers—
not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods.

It analyses data and gives conclusions.It has revolutionized the way of computing.Though it is not presently threat to google,but it might give a good competition in future.
For years Google has been there for us, serving to there level best. From

use of web browser as explorer

 Do you know that you can access your computer using a web browser?if you dont ,i will tell you how...

firstly open any browser, then in its URL box in which you normally write your website address ,write which ever you want to access,then access...
I have accessed my c drive .I typed C:\\...then enter .You will see what is in your drive..

This is using normal explorer.

tutorial link/downloads

i have just uploaded a tutorial on basic electronic components... check it out..please post if you have any queries...


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