
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

software/electronics/iPhone meets Arduino, tilt joystick for mobile games results (video)

This is a article contributed by friend nirav.
Even though games like Infinity Blade can be great fun on the iPhone, there's no getting around the fact that touchscreen-centric, buttonless devices don't offer the best gaming ergonomics. A modding project gone horribly right, however, might just fix that right up for all of us. Shane Wighton set out to build a robot to try and beat his favorite iPhone game, replete with a webcam and an Arduino setup, but in the process of doing so he "just realized that [he'd] made a mechanism to play tilt based phone games with a joystick." Yes indeedy, one of the most awesome DIY gaming accessories was built by fluke as much as design. See it revolutionizing mobile gaming just after the break.

my views-this  is  a great development spreading among people who integrating embedded systems with mobile and other consumer electronics,this might lead to something great future...

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